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Problem: My cash register cannot do a Price Each Mix promo.
  1. Create PLU(s) for the promotion.
  2. Depending on the scope of the promotion, create multiple PLUs if you need to.
  3. For each PLU, set up one or two child items, with the child items being the actual items in the promotion.
Example: If the promotion is any size fountain drink and a hot dog, make 1 PLU and assign hot-dog as a child item with a 1-1 ratio. Most people don't inventory fountain drinks due to their IMoA nature. To keep track of sales, assign a second child item to that promo PLU. You can create as many promo PLU items, each of them with one hot dog child item, and each PLU having a different fountain drink size as the other child item. This way, you can keep track of all the sales through the promo PLUs.
Note: The parent-child method will not work so well if both parts of the promotion are groups, such as "buy one Coke 20oz and one candy bar for $X." Proper inventory tracking would require too many different PLUs. A single PLU would work, with the most popular choice for each group as child items. Sales would still be recorded by the system, even if for the wrong flavors. When doing inventory counts, you will show over on the one flavor (all the sales are flowing through that item when they shouldn't be), but the other flavors will be short due to the missing sales. Ultimately these discrepancies will balance out.

For more information, see Promotions: Compatible Cash Registers.

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