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Question: How to enter an invoice manually?
  1. To access the Store Invoice form, go to Vendors > Bills > Itemized Invoices.
  2. First, enter the Vendor field. You can either push the arrow from the right and by clicking on the required supplier, or type in the name of the supplier. Typed entries will be added automatically to the vendor list.
  3. Enter the invoice number (Invoice #). Without it, the form will not be saved. In addition, you can also enter the invoice Terms.
  4. Choose the most convenient way to enter the invoice data using the Select By option. It allows you to select the most convenient way. While entering, sometimes it is more convenient to use the Item Name, sometimes UPC, sometimes VIN (Vendor Item Number). Depending on your choice, only one of the 3 lists will remain active after reloading of the form.
  5. Specify one of the following options:
    - Load Recently Purchase Items: This option loads the items recently added by the chosen vendor.
    - Incomplete Invoice: An invoice marked as incomplete is shown in the list of pending invoices, though the options to accept/reject are unavailable for users, they cannot see the Accept and Reject buttons. After the invoice gets completed and the Incomplete checkbox at the top of the form is unchecked, the invoice can be operated as usual. After you have made your entries, click Submit. The form will be reloaded and you will be able to continue working with it. All items of the selected vendor will be saved.
  6. The first entry should be Category Number. Enter the category number into this field and the category will be selected from the list. Upon selecting the category, the list of the available items will be reduced to those only belonging to this category.
  7. Depending on the selections you've made in beginning work on the form, you can narrow your choices to the correct item. If the chosen vendor provides only one item, it will be displayed automatically.
  8. Upon selection of the item, its cost will be displayed. If the cost is correct, just enter the proper quantity and the task is complete. If the cost is not correct, change the cost and the revised cost will be saved into the database.
  9. Having entered the above mentioned parameters, press enter at the end of the grid. Enter the Tax value and choose the Method of Payment below the table.
  10. When you're finished, press the Save button under the form.
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