
Currently, if you are using a Verifone register type, you must have a version of 49 or higher to be compatible with this program.
You can purchase the service if your version is lower than 49, but you need to schedule an update.

Unfortunately, we cannot support your set-up at this time

For more information on the requirements for using Scan Data Loyalty, please click here.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or we’ll reach out once we’re able to work with you.

Please confirm the information listed below


Currently if you are using a VeriFone register type you must have a version of 49 or higher to be compatible with this program.
You can purchase the service if your version is lower than 49, but you need to schedule an update.

Please confirm the information listed below


Currently if you are using a VeriFone register type you must have a version of 49 or higher to be compatible with this program.
You can purchase the service if your version is lower than 49, but you need to schedule an update.

Unfortunately, we cannot support your set-up at this time

For more information on the requirements for using Go Loyalty, please click here.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or we’ll reach out once we’re able to work with you.

Please confirm the information listed below
* Required information
{{n3data.header}} {{n3data.message}}

Scan Data Subscription

The Scan Data solution from Petrosoft is a must-have service for any retailer who sells tobacco because it is an easy way to earn money without any extra work. Automatically store, access, and send tobacco sales to the manufacturer for rebates:

  • Earn thousands of dollars in revenue each month with no effort
  • Easily set up the program with no long-term commitment
  • Integrate seamlessly with your POS system – no extra software or PC required.

Add Petrosoft’s Scan Data Loyalty subscription to report customers’ phone numbers to manufacturers and earn even more revenue.

**All product subscriptions are a minimum of a 1-year commitment. We offer payment terms of either “monthly” or “annual”.

{{cost.Amount|currency:'$':0}} / year / month

Required Products:

Complete your purchase with:

$15 / month
0 / month
$15 / month
$269 / month

Easily Automate Your Tobacco Sales Reporting

The Scan Data solution enables you not only to manage all your promotions and tobacco sales effectively, but also to interact with such tobacco manufacturers as Altria Group Distribution Company and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company easily for getting your reimbursement.

You will benefit from the following features:

  • Managing Scan Data promotions, processing and storing all promotions data.
  • Processing and saving data on all tobacco sales.
  • Interacting with the following tobacco manufacturers by sending them the required data in a proper format:
    • Altria Group Distribution Company (“AGDC”) (previously named Philip Morris Companies Inc.)
    • R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
How Can You Get Started?
1. Contact your Altria account representative

Please ask about:

  • - Your account number and credentials
  • - The consent form to grant Petrosoft access to your account

You will receive the credentials and account number via email or phone call after 2-3 business days

2. Sign ADGC API Access Consent Form

Contact the Altria API Center and let him know you’d like to sign the consent form authorizing Petrosoft to access the API on your behalf.

Please specify:

  • - Retail Control Number or your chain Management Account Number
    (upper left-hand corner on or through your AGDC sales rep)
  • - 3rd party Company Name: Petrosoft
  • - 3rd party Email:
3. Receive Incentive

Once you have signed API Access Consent Form and purchased the Scan Data product you are ready to start working with the Scan Data program.

Take full advantage of Scan Data to increase your sales

Download Free Retail360 Mobile app for Review and Accept incoming changes

1. Contact your Altria account representative
2. Sign ADGC API Access Consent Form
3. Receive Incentive
Be the first to review this product.

Key Features

  • Increases revenue
  • Reports sales to manufacturers
  • Eliminates manual reporting
  • No long-term contracts
  • Captures every transaction
